Study in Japan

हामी सबैसँग आ–आफ्नै सपना छन् । ति फरक–फरक सपनाका गन्तव्य पनि आ–आफ्नै छन् । यो युगमा भविष्य हरकोहीको चिन्ता हो । हरेक दिन हामी हाम्रो उज्वल भविष्यका खातिर केही न केही गरिरहेका हुन्छौं । कम्तिमा चिन्ता तथा चिन्तन मात्रै भएपनि गरिरहन्छौं । त्यो गन्तव्यमा पुग्ने बाटो खोज्ने वा बनाउने कसरत कम गर्छौं । सोंचिबस्दा कहिले धेरै बाटोहरु भेट्छौं जो हामीलाई हाम्रो गन्तव्यमा पु¥याउन सक्छन् जस्तो लाग्छ र कहिले एउटै बाटो पनि भेट्दैनौं । बाटो भेटिन जरुरी छ र भेटिएका बाटाहरुमध्ये एउटा बाटो रोज्न जरुरी छ । भेटिएका सबै बाटोमा हिँडेर पनि त गन्तव्य भेटिदैन । कहिलेकाँही बाटो मात्रै गन्तव्यमा पुग्छ, हामी कहिँ अडिएको अडियै हुन्छौं ।

वैदेशिक अध्ययन हाम्रो पुस्ताको साझा सपना हो, भलै अध्ययनका लागि फरक–फरक गन्तव्यहरु रोज्ने गरिन्छ । गन्तव्य आँफैमा सहिगलत हुँदैन । उद्देश्य र गन्तव्यको तालमेल मिलेन भने मात्रै यो अवस्थाको सृजना हुन सक्छ ।

अबको अध्ययनका लागि जापान लाई गन्तव्य बनाउनुभएको छ ? र तपाई यतिबेला आफ्नो यस गन्तव्यको बारेमा कोही विज्ञसँग छलफल गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ ? यस गन्तव्यमा पुग्ने सहज, सरल र स्पष्ट बाटोका बारेमा उचित परामर्श लिन खोजिरहनुभएको छ ? अवसर, चुनौती र सम्भावनाका बारेमा स्पष्ट रुपमा थाहा पाउन उत्साहित हुनुहुन्छ ?

  • अलाइट ग्रुप तपाईकै लागि हो ।
  • जापानिज भाषा सिक्नु भयो ?
  • अवसर तथा सम्भावनाको जानकारी छ ?
  • चुनौतीहरु नि ?
  • प्रक्रिया तथा शुल्कको बारेमा स्पष्ट हुनुहुन्छ ?
  • गर्नै पर्ने तयारीहरु छुटाउनु भयो कि ?
  • अध्यागमन नितीनियमसँग अपडेट हुनुभएको छ ?

  • The Third Largest Economy
  • Home to Approx. 780 Universities 38 Japanese Universities ranked among the world’s best in QS World University Ranking 2015/16
  • Home to Nissan, Toyota, Panasonic, Canon, Sony and Innovations
  • Scholarships, Grants and Loans Available for Outstanding International Students
  • Fascinating blend of very old and very modern cultures and art forms
  • One of world’s best-educated and most literate populations
  • Cutting-edge research and technology facilities in many schools
  • Welcoming environment currently for foreign students given government emphasis on increasing international student numbers
  • Stunning environmental as well as cultural attractions


Information for you

Japan hosted nearly 210,000 students in 2015 and if that growth continues at roughly the same rate through 2020, the country's 300,000-student target will be within reach.

"Students interested in short time studies at Japanese language schools are allowed to register with a tourist visa. Applicants willing to study full time for more than three months need to apply for a student visa, which can be provided by the Japanese consulate available in any country."

Students who want to work in Japan must receive a "Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted" approval, which allows them to work for 28 hours a week during studies and full-time in official holiday periods.

The Japanese government is also encouraging international student graduates – particularly in certain disciplines – to stay on and work in Japan after their studies.


Study in Japan & Our Services

Before Visa Services:

  • Free of Cost information and counseling on appointment
  • Parents-Students-Counselor (PSC) Meeting and Briefing
  • Free of Cost Japanese Language Classes for a week for your interest test
  • Basic Japanese from beginning of application process to the end
  • NAT or JLPT Preparation
  • Admission Assistance & Guidance
  • Preparation of Application for Certificate of Eligibility
  • Documentation Guidance
  • Documents Translation
  • Visa Interview Preparation
  • Visa Application Preparation


After Visa Services:

  • Food and Drinks Introduction
  • Culture and Trends Introduction
  • Introduction to Student Life in Japan
  • Immigration Updates
  • Communication Skill
  • Pre Departure Orientation
  • CV on Japanese


Long Term Consultancy Services:

  • Consultations on Further Study and Immigration Updates
  • Career Counseling


Standalone Services:

  • Translation of Nepali/English to Japanese
  • Translation of Japanese into English/Nepali
  • Interpreting Services
  • Consultancy services for other type of visas


Do you aspire to get Japanese Education?
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Have a look! We wish you a Happy Journey ahead!

While exploring the education abroad options and choosing Japan is a good decision no doubt. But does it for everyone? No! Your interest, necessity, eligibility and affordability are some genuine factors to consider before deciding Japan as your study abroad destination. It is true that the recent environment of Japan is welcoming for international students. Learning many things is possible but you are the one to catch what. Opportunity is there but you are the one to grab it or not. If you are thinking Japan it is our humble request to you not to think Japan and Japanese language separately. Wherever in Japan’ Whatever the school or institution’ are not right phrases.

Japan, one of the popular further study abroad destinations among many Nepali Students and not only a singular factor can tell the story of this large likes in the recent situation. Language or Vocational School or University Graduates from Japan without hesitation share that it is a country and spending some years in this country is always worth. It directly and indirectly offers many things to learn including Japanese Unique Management that accounts all the credits of economic miracle in Japan, advanced technology, tradition and culture and its experience of development.

To step into admission from Japanese Language School or formal education provider it is essential to learn and acquire basic knowledge of Japanese. If it is your interest to experience Japan Fifteen to Twenty Four Months of period spending in Japanese Language development in a Japanese Language school is undoubtedly a better option. According the popular practice of choices you can pick either vocational school or university for formal education as fluency in Japanese is acquired. Having completed the vocational qualification or university qualification trying to gain work experience is one feasible and probably right decision to enhance your career or it is solely your decision to try that working opportunity in Japan or not. However it is not the end because Japanese education and its universities are very popular among international research scholars and availability of kinds of scholarship opportunities has been one of major alluring factor to choose Japan as a study abroad destination. If Japanese language skill supports you studying in Japan and enhancing career in Japan may come easy.

"Aware that living and studying in Japan is expensive compared to many countries, the government has also introduced additional financial support for foreign students. Various university scholarships and grants are available through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)."

Information for you

Japan hosted nearly 210,000 students in 2015 and if that growth continues at roughly the same rate through 2020, the country's 300,000-student target will be within reach.

"Students interested in short time studies at Japanese language schools are allowed to register with a tourist visa. Applicants willing to study full time for more than three months need to apply for a student visa, which can be provided by the Japanese consulate available in any country."

Students who want to work in Japan must receive a "Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted" approval, which allows them to work for 28 hours a week during studies and full-time in official holiday periods.

The Japanese government is also encouraging international student graduates – particularly in certain disciplines – to stay on and work in Japan after their studies.

Study in Japan & Our Services

Before Visa Services:

  • Free of Cost information and counseling on appointment
  • Parents-Students-Counselor (PSC) Meeting and Briefing
  • Free of Cost Japanese Language Classes for a week for your interest test
  • Basic Japanese from beginning of application process to the end
  • NAT or JLPT Preparation
  • Admission Assistance & Guidance
  • Preparation of Application for Certificate of Eligibility
  • Documentation Guidance
  • Documents Translation
  • Visa Interview Preparation
  • Visa Application Preparation


After Visa Services:

  • Food and Drinks Introduction
  • Culture and Trends Introduction
  • Introduction to Student Life in Japan
  • Immigration Updates
  • Communication Skill
  • Pre Departure Orientation
  • CV on Japanese


Long Term Consultancy Services:

  • Consultations on Further Study and Immigration Updates
  • Career Counseling


Standalone Services:

  • Translation of Nepali/English to Japanese
  • Translation of Japanese into English/Nepali
  • Interpreting Services
  • Consultancy services for other type of visas


Do you aspire to get Japanese Education?
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For your ease we have tried to shortlist useful websites for your research.

Have a look! We wish you a Happy Journey ahead!

Applying for a Student Visa is Mandatory for International students aiming to study for more than three months in Japan.  Visa application cannot begin unless one obtains a certificate of eligibility. Application for Certificate of Eligibility (COE) will be submitted to the concerned immigration offices for on your behalf by the Japanese institution you have been accepted by.

Obtaining COE will allow students to pay required and Japanese Institution invoice recommended fees. Banking transfer of the fees is not possible unless NOC (No Objection Certificate) is acquired from Ministry of Education (MOE).  Once the payment is made and confirmed the hard copy of COE along with some documents of application for COE will be dispatched by the Institution.

And once this has been received, visa application begins. With original certificate of eligibility, valid passport, completed visa application form and recent passport sized photographs you need to apply for your visa through Japanese embassy located in Panipokhari, Kathmandu.

It is to note that working in Japan while studying will require a permission as ‘Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted’, and for this right it can be applied  at an immigration bureau once arrived in Japan. If you are willing to work in Japan, it is better to apply at the bureau at the Airport of Japan if the provision allows you. The received permission will entitle you to work up to 28 hours a week during term-time and eight hours a day during official holiday periods.

Information for you

Japan hosted nearly 210,000 students in 2015 and if that growth continues at roughly the same rate through 2020, the country's 300,000-student target will be within reach.

"Students interested in short time studies at Japanese language schools are allowed to register with a tourist visa. Applicants willing to study full time for more than three months need to apply for a student visa, which can be provided by the Japanese consulate available in any country."

Students who want to work in Japan must receive a "Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted" approval, which allows them to work for 28 hours a week during studies and full-time in official holiday periods.

The Japanese government is also encouraging international student graduates – particularly in certain disciplines – to stay on and work in Japan after their studies.

Study in Japan & Our Services

Before Visa Services:

  • Free of Cost information and counseling on appointment
  • Parents-Students-Counselor (PSC) Meeting and Briefing
  • Free of Cost Japanese Language Classes for a week for your interest test
  • Basic Japanese from beginning of application process to the end
  • NAT or JLPT Preparation
  • Admission Assistance & Guidance
  • Preparation of Application for Certificate of Eligibility
  • Documentation Guidance
  • Documents Translation
  • Visa Interview Preparation
  • Visa Application Preparation


After Visa Services:

  • Food and Drinks Introduction
  • Culture and Trends Introduction
  • Introduction to Student Life in Japan
  • Immigration Updates
  • Communication Skill
  • Pre Departure Orientation
  • CV on Japanese


Long Term Consultancy Services:

  • Consultations on Further Study and Immigration Updates
  • Career Counseling


Standalone Services:

  • Translation of Nepali/English to Japanese
  • Translation of Japanese into English/Nepali
  • Interpreting Services
  • Consultancy services for other type of visas


Do you aspire to get Japanese Education?
Worries take you Nowhere!
Explore with Us.

For your ease we have tried to shortlist useful websites for your research.

Have a look! We wish you a Happy Journey ahead!

There are about 780 universities in Japan, the majority of which are private. The best/popular national institutions are famously tough to get into. Applying for them entails two exams: a standard exam given by the National Center for University Entrance examinations and the university-specific exam administered by each school. Many students who do not get into the university of their choice wait till the following year to try again with the exams.

Recent years have also seen the ascendance of private educational institutes, many of which now rival national universities in prestige and popularity.

Information for you

Japan hosted nearly 210,000 students in 2015 and if that growth continues at roughly the same rate through 2020, the country's 300,000-student target will be within reach.

"Students interested in short time studies at Japanese language schools are allowed to register with a tourist visa. Applicants willing to study full time for more than three months need to apply for a student visa, which can be provided by the Japanese consulate available in any country."

Students who want to work in Japan must receive a "Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted" approval, which allows them to work for 28 hours a week during studies and full-time in official holiday periods.

The Japanese government is also encouraging international student graduates – particularly in certain disciplines – to stay on and work in Japan after their studies.

Study in Japan & Our Services

Before Visa Services:

  • Free of Cost information and counseling on appointment
  • Parents-Students-Counselor (PSC) Meeting and Briefing
  • Free of Cost Japanese Language Classes for a week for your interest test
  • Basic Japanese from beginning of application process to the end
  • NAT or JLPT Preparation
  • Admission Assistance & Guidance
  • Preparation of Application for Certificate of Eligibility
  • Documentation Guidance
  • Documents Translation
  • Visa Interview Preparation
  • Visa Application Preparation


After Visa Services:

  • Food and Drinks Introduction
  • Culture and Trends Introduction
  • Introduction to Student Life in Japan
  • Immigration Updates
  • Communication Skill
  • Pre Departure Orientation
  • CV on Japanese


Long Term Consultancy Services:

  • Consultations on Further Study and Immigration Updates
  • Career Counseling


Standalone Services:

  • Translation of Nepali/English to Japanese
  • Translation of Japanese into English/Nepali
  • Interpreting Services
  • Consultancy services for other type of visas


Do you aspire to get Japanese Education?
Worries take you Nowhere!
Explore with Us.

For your ease we have tried to shortlist useful websites for your research.

Have a look! We wish you a Happy Journey ahead!